Notes for providers, story telling:

Running Time – variable, depending on the needs of the setting

Maximum number of participants – around 300

Set up time – minimal for oral storytelling

Space required – can be adapted to any space

Parent/staff help required – teaching staff must be present, no additional help required

Cost (assuming only one story teller. Inclusive of VAT and travel within one hour of Lewes, East Sussex):

  • One hour of stories - £70
  • Two hours - £120
  • Three hours- £150
  • Puppet fairy tale how - £300
  • Show and one story - £400
  • Show and two stories - £450

Storytelling session plus story making workshops - £400 for two performers for the whole day.

(Please note, if you book a puppet show there is additional set up time – minimum 1 hour)

DBS and insurance – WishWorks hold enhanced DBS checks and have equity public liability insurance of £5, 000, 000

Example Timetable 1:


WishWorks (2 people) arrive at school

9.15 – 11.00

Storytelling session, followed by story-making workshop

11.00 – 12.00

Possibility of squeezing in another story session.

12.00 – 1.00


1.15 – 3.00

Storytelling and story-making workshop in second class

3 – 3.45

WishWorks leave, everybody smiling.


Example Timetable 2:


WishWorks arrive (one storyteller)

9.30 -10.30

Stories are told

10.30 – 11.00


11.00 – 12.00

More stories


WishWorks go home


Example Timetable 3:


WishWorks arrive and set up for show in the hall

9.15 – 10ish

WishWorks perform fairy tale puppet show

11.00 – 12.00

Storytelling session

12.00 – 1.00


1.15 – 2.15

Story-making workshop